Genres of speech. Speech styles

Speech styles - systems of linguistic elements within a literary language, delimited by the conditions and tasks of communication; the form of our statements depends on where, with whom and why we speak.

There are five styles; four bookish: scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic - and conversational style. Each style is characterized by certain means of language: words, their forms, phrases, types of sentences, and their belonging to a colloquial or book style is realized when compared with neutral means.

Speech styles are realized in certain forms, or types of texts, called speech genres. Genres of speech- a typified form of speech organization that determines the types of texts that differ in the given nature of speech activity (cf. monologue genre of journalistic articles and dialogic genre interview) and the form of language use (cf. oral genre report and written genre articles). Basically, each genre of speech belongs to a specific style of speech, but there are also inter-style genres, for example: article, feature article, essay(scientific and journalistic), interview(journalistic and official business).

Scientific style

Scientific style is one of the book styles that is used in scientific works, textbooks and teaching aids, and oral presentations on scientific topics.

The task of the scientific style is to communicate scientific information, explain it, presenting a system of scientific argumentation. Used in an official setting, it is characterized by logic, objectivity, and semantic accuracy.

In the scientific style, the following varieties can be distinguished:

1) the scientific style itself (inherent in scientific works - monographs, dissertations, articles in scientific journals, books, encyclopedias, scientific reports),

2) popular science style (inherent in texts intended to popularize scientific knowledge, i.e. popular science literature, articles in non-specialized magazines, newspapers, speeches on radio and television, public lectures before a mass audience),

3) scientific-educational style (used in textbooks, teaching aids, reference books intended for students).

The scientific style is characterized by the use of the following linguistic means:

at the level vocabulary:

· saturation with the terms of this science;

· use of words with abstract meaning: law, number, limit, property; verbal nouns with the meaning of action: recycling, landing, use;

· use of words in direct meanings, lack of imagery (metaphors, metonymies, interjections, exclamation particles);

· frequent use of lexical means indicating connection and sequence of thoughts: first, first of all, first of all, therefore, vice versa, because, therefore;

at the level morphology:

Rare use of personal pronouns I And You and verbs in the form of 1st and 2nd person singular;

· use of participles and gerunds and phrases with them;

on syntactic level:

· use of complex sentences using conjunctions indicating the connection of phenomena;

· non-use of exclamatory sentences, minor use of interrogative sentences;

· use formulas, graphs, and diagrams as text components.

The main types of speech are reasoning, description.

The main genres are textbook, article, report, dissertation, scientific monograph, encyclopedic article, patent application, abstract, summary, review.

Let's give as example an excerpt from a speech work of a scientific style of its own scientific variety - a monograph on linguistics:

Rule 3(optional coloring of presumptions). If a component with a potential presumption P is a syntactic actant of a world-generating predicate, then there are two possibilities: a) P is a presumption in the corresponding world and can be translated into a presumption of the real world (or at least into a proposition true in the real world) with the appropriate change in content - modal “coloring” (the term “coloring” is from Schiebe 1979); b) P remains a presumption in the real world. The difference between understandings a) and b) does not have a regular semantic expression

[Paducheva E.V. Statement and its correlation with reality. M., 2001. p. 77].

This passage reflects the following features of the scientific style:

Linguistic terms presumption, syntactic, actant, predicate, modal, semantic;

Symbol R(presumption) as a component of the text;

Words with abstract meaning component, possibility, judgment, change, understanding, expression;

Absence of words in a figurative meaning: word coloring used as a term, enclosed in quotation marks and provided with an appropriate link;

Words indicating objective criteria for assessing the situation: potential, corresponding, true, regular;

Absence of appeals, interjections, modal particles, interrogative and exclamatory sentences and other means of imagery;

Complex sentence with conditional subordinating conjunction if... then, indicating cause-and-effect relationships;

Making the text more clear by breaking it down into paragraphs: A) And b);

Speech style- this is a separate system of language elements, a form of utterance and presentation of information, which are determined by the purpose and conditions for presenting information, in other words: how, where, with whom and why we are talking at the moment.

There are five styles in the Russian language, four of which are book styles:

    official business;




the fifth style in Russian is colloquial.

Examples of speech styles in Russian.

    Formal business style:

    By this receipt, I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, undertake to pay the amount of 50,000 (fifty thousand) rubles by 01/01/2016.

    Journalistic style:

    Former deputy board director of Moscow City Bank Vasily Yakin was sentenced to 5 years in prison for the theft of about 130 million rubles in bank funds.

    Scientific style:

    Speech styles are systems of linguistic elements within a literary language, delimited by the conditions and tasks of communication.

    Art style:

    A fog, like fresh milk, quietly spread over the river. The birds almost fell silent in the forest. Another July morning was approaching.

    Conversational style:

    Hello my dear! How are you doing? Everything is fine with me, I got a new job, and now I have absolutely no time.

As you can see, each style has its own, characteristic only for it means of language: words, phrases, types of sentences, methods of stylistic coloring of speech. For example, in a scientific, official business or journalistic style, what may be acceptable or even obligatory in an artistic or conversational style is unacceptable.

Each of the speech styles is embodied in speech genres - certain forms or types of texts. Genres of speech- this is a form of organization of speech that distinguishes and characterizes types of texts. Genres of speech also distinguish the nature of the speech activity of the language and the form of its use, for example, interview- genre dialogue; journalistic article- genre monologue; article - written genre; report- oral genre, etc.

Most often, each genre of speech is characteristic of a certain style of speech, but there are genres that are characteristic of several styles at once ( inter-style genres), for example: genre interview typical for official business style and journalistic style, and genres feature article, article And essay characteristic of journalistic and scientific styles.

OGE section: 8.3 Styles and functional-semantic types of speech.

These are its varieties that are used in one or another sphere of public life: in everyday communication, in official business relations, in the media, in the field of science, in fiction.

Depending on the area of ​​use, the following functional speech styles are distinguished: colloquial, official business, journalistic, scientific, artistic.

Conversational style

Main function conversational style is a communication function that ensures everyday, everyday connections between people.

Character traits conversational style: predominance of oral speech, informality, ease, specificity, simplicity, emotionality, use of colloquial vocabulary, often with a colloquial flavor.

Genres(varieties) of conversational style depending on the communication situation: dialogue (conversation), telephone conversation, letter, note. Recently, the conversational style has been enriched by the genre of correspondence on the Internet, by mobile phone (sms).

Regular form of implementation conversational style - dialogue; this style is used exclusively in spoken language. There is no preliminary selection of language material.

Formal business style

Formal business style used in official settings: in the areas of office work, legislation, diplomacy.

Main functions official business style - to regulate relations between society and the state, between states, between citizens in their labor and social activities, in the sphere of property and legal relations; informative function.

Character traits official business style: predominance of written form, formality, regimentation, standardization of texts, accuracy, specificity, rigor, impersonality, unemotionality, predominance of official business vocabulary. The official business style is characterized by the presence of speech cliches, a generally accepted form of presentation, a standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabridged words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, and the predominance of direct word order.

Genres official business style depending on the scope of operation: laws, charters, decrees, orders, decrees, resolutions, notes, communiqués, announcements, certificates, reports, questionnaires, statements, powers of attorney, autobiographies, resumes, characteristics, acts, protocols, instructions, contracts, agreements, etc.

Speech type official business style - mainly reasoning.

Type of speech- most often a monologue.

Journalistic style

Scope of use journalistic style - social life, politics, economics, culture. This style is addressed to listeners and readers - this is evidenced by the origin of its name (from the Latin publicus - public).

Main function- discussion of pressing social and public issues in order to attract public opinion to them, influence people, encouraging them to take certain actions. Areas of operation: media, public speeches of politicians, speeches of lawyers in court, speeches at meetings, reports, discussions.

Character traits style: relevance, timeliness, efficiency, imagery, expressiveness, emotionality, evaluativeness, clarity, logic, information richness, use of means of other styles (especially artistic and scientific); accessibility (understandability for a wide audience), bias, appealing pathos.

Language features: widespread use of socio-political vocabulary; stereotypical, stable phrases and expressions; combining book and colloquial vocabulary; rhetorical devices (questions, exclamations, appeals), emotional coloring of speech.

Genres of journalism: interview, report, note, article, essay, feuilleton, report, discussion, public speech (entertaining, informational, propaganda), etc.

Speech type- mainly reasoning.

Form of speech- written or prepared oral.

Type of speech- monologue, dialogue, polylogue.

Scientific style

Scientific style used in the field of scientific activity in an official setting: at lectures, seminars, conferences, symposia, colloquiums; in scientific literature.

Main function- exchange scientific information, report scientific information, etc.

Character traits: formality, preparedness of speech, combination of written and oral forms, objectivity, logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity), generality, use of special, professional vocabulary, terms, complex syntactic structures, links to sources, quotes.

Genres: scientific monograph, scientific article, scientific report, theses, dissertation, lecture, review, report, textbook, popular science work, discussion, etc.

Main substyles of scientific style

Art style

Art style - the richest style of speech, because it absorbs all the others. It most clearly reflects the national language in all its diversity and richness - it becomes a phenomenon of art, a means of creating artistic imagery.

Main function- aesthetic. The artistic style, using a variety of linguistic means, creates images that evoke an emotional response in the reader’s soul, deliver aesthetic pleasure, and force empathy. Other functions: reflection, transformation of all aspects of reality, using them as an object of creativity; impact on the reader.

Text is understood as a human thought recorded on a specific medium. In a narrower sense, it is the coherent and sequential transmission of symbols. The text exists in two forms (written and oral) and is determined by such characteristics as semantic integrity and articulation (in other words, the identification of fragments in its composition). One sentence cannot be considered a text. There should be at least two of them.

Text styles and types

Let's look at what types of texts there are. The Russian language distinguishes the following styles:


  • Journalistic. This style is characterized by logic, emotionality, evaluativeness, and appeal. The main feature is socio-political vocabulary. Words are emotionally charged, solemn vocabulary and the use of short sentences are characteristic. Example: “Deputy head of Moscow City Bank Nikolai Petrov was sentenced to 6 years in prison for theft of 330 million rubles.”
  • Scientific. It is distinguished by a logical sequence of presentation, an orderly system of connections between statements, and a desire for accuracy and conciseness.
  • Official business. A means of written communication that is used in the field of legal relations and management. Example: “By this receipt, I, Sergey Ivanovich Ivanov, undertake to return money in the amount of 500,000 (five hundred thousand) rubles by 03/01/2016.”
  • Art. It is used exclusively in fiction using the entire wealth of vocabulary, various styles, and emotional speech. This style is aimed at conveying the author’s feelings and thoughts. Example: “A fog, like fresh milk, quietly spread over the river. The birds in the forest have almost died down. Another June morning was beginning.”

Types of texts

Initially, the text was supposed to convey the author’s opinion and impression of what surrounds him, about people and events. In this regard, let’s look at what types of texts there are:

  1. Narration. The text tells about events that are interconnected by a time sequence. A distinctive feature is a certain structure: beginning, development, denouement. The story is written in the first or third person, using past perfect verbs.
  2. containing the study and research of specific subjects and their relationship to each other. A certain scheme and logical structure can be traced. The main idea is the thesis, which is formulated at the beginning of the text. Next come the arguments and evidence that confirm or refute this thesis. At the end, conclusions are drawn.
  3. Description. Text that has a consistent image and characterization of events, objects and people. You can trace the list of characteristic properties and features inherent in the main character. The text is characterized by additions, circumstances, the use of metaphors, comparisons, epithets and other expressive means of language. The main task is to create an opinion about the described object or character.

We have found out what types of texts there are, now we will look at what genres they are divided into.


A genre is a form of organization of speech that distinguishes and characterizes types of text. Genre also distinguishes the nature of speech activity and the form of its use. For example, the genre of an interview is dialogue, the genre of a journalistic article is a monologue. Moreover, an article is a written genre, and a report is an oral genre. There is also such a thing as an inter-style genre, where one genre can belong to several styles: an interview as a genre can be classified as both an official business style and a journalistic style, and a feature story, an essay or an article can be classified as both a scientific and a journalistic style style.

Let's consider what literary genres there are regarding styles:

  1. Fiction includes genres such as novel, short story, essay, tale, fable. This also includes lyrics in all its manifestations.
  2. Educational literature includes tutorials, lessons, textbooks and manuals - in other words, those documents that are available for study.
  3. Historical literature includes all genres that deal with past events and key moments in human history. These are historical essays, poems, dramas, essays, etc.
  4. Scientific literature includes highly focused texts on specific topics. These are reports, monographs, popular science articles, notes, reference books, essays, encyclopedias, practical advice, and memos.

Digital text

What other texts are there? In the era of digital technology, such a concept as digital text has appeared. And if previously the Internet served only as a means for searching for information, now on this resource you can find entire libraries with different types of texts. Today, not only newspaper and scientific publications are being digitized, but also masterpieces of world literature. Now you don't have to go to the library or bookstore. All you need to do is go online from any device and find the publication you are interested in.

Primary School Study

A detailed study of the text begins in elementary school, when the teacher introduces children to the types of sentences and establishes the connection of words in these sentences. Next comes an introduction to the text and consideration of the topic “What kinds of texts are there?” In this lesson, grade 2 will not only get acquainted with the structural features of the text, children will be asked to compose it themselves, highlighting the main idea and theme. Particular attention is paid to building dialogue.

Part 1

Speech styles. Genres of speech.

Speech styles– these are types of speech for communication, taking into account the speech situation.



official business

All book styles of speech have a common scope - sphere of social activity. All these styles are characterized by strict adherence to the norms of the literary language.

Conversational style
This is a style of oral conversational speech, although it also manifests itself in written form (private letters, notes, direct speech of heroes of artistic style).
General signs:
- informality and uncertainty of communication;

Direct participation of speakers in the conversation;

Unpreparedness of speech, and therefore its automaticity.
This style is characterized by emotionality and evaluativeness.
Linguistic features:
- non-bookish means of language (with a stylistic connotation of colloquialism and familiarity);

Use of colloquial words ( rattled, blurt out);

Form ( on vacation);

Incomplete pronunciation of words ( Anna Ivanna, Toko);

Using colloquial vocabulary and expressions that carry a charge of disdain, jokes or irony ( trickster, sneak around);

The use of words with suffixes of subjective assessment ( baby, pencil).

For the syntax of conversational speech, the use of incomplete sentences is typical (Are you going out? Are you going to class?).

Scientific style

Specific features of the scientific style are abstraction, generalization, and logical presentation.

Typical scientific speeches are: semantic accuracy, lack of imagery, hidden emotionality, objectivity of presentation, rigor, some dryness.

Terms are used as linguistic means.

Scientific style syntax: simple, complete sentences.


An article is a set of written works that were created as a result of research, theoretical generalizations made within the framework of the scientific method.

Review is a genre of journalism, as well as scientific and artistic criticism. A review gives the right to evaluate the work done by a person who needs editing and correction of his work. A review informs about a new work and contains its brief analysis and assessment. Translated from Latin, “recensio” means “viewing, reporting, rating, reviewing something.”

A review is a genre that is based on a review (primarily a critical one) about a work of fiction, art, science, journalism, etc.

Abstract - (German Referat, from Latin refere - to report, report) - a written report or speech on a specific topic, which collects information from one or more sources. Abstracts can be a statement of the content of a scientific work, a fiction book, etc.

Thesis - ancient Greek. ἡ θέσις (thésis) - a position, a statement put forward and then proven in some reasoning. (plural) - a brief record of the content of scientific research in the form of basic, concisely formulated provisions. They can be original or secondary, created on the basis of someone else’s text (such theses are a genre of scientific and educational substyle). Author's abstracts are published in the form of a collection and are usually distributed among participants of a conference. Theses consist of a preamble containing an introduction to the issue, a thesis statement of the issue and a final thesis. The division of the thesis content is emphasized by headings and highlighting paragraphs under one heading.

Review - analysis, analysis, some assessment of a publication, work or product.

A summary is a systematic, logical, coherent record that combines an outline, theses, extracts, or at least two of these types of records.

Dissertation - (from Latin dissertatio - essay, argument, report) - qualifying work for the award of an academic or scientific degree and master's qualification.

Monograph - (from the Greek μονοσ - “one, united” and γραφειν - “to write”) - a scientific work in the form of a book with an in-depth study of one topic or several closely related topics.

Lecture is an oral, systematic and consistent presentation of material on a problem, method, topic, etc.

Abstract - (from the Latin annotatio - remark) or summary (from the French résumé - “abbreviated”) - a brief description of the publication: manuscript, monograph, article or book.

Journalistic style

Used in the media, in statements on socio-political and economic topics.

Character traits: polemical nature, figurativeness of presentation, vividness of the means of positive or negative assessment of what is being reported.

The vocabulary of this style actively uses socio-political terms, emotional-evaluative words.

Syntax style is characterized by the use of various constructions with inversion (reverse word order), repetitions, rhetorical questions, and appeals.


- newspaper and magazine articles;

- journalistic essay- one of all varieties of the small form of epic literature - the story, different from its other form, the short story, in the absence of a single, acute and quickly resolved conflict and in the greater development of the descriptive image. Both differences depend on the specifics of the essay's problems. Essay literature does not address the problems of developing the character of an individual in his conflicts with the established social environment, as is inherent in the short story (and novel), but the problems of the civil and moral state of the “environment” (usually embodied in individual individuals) - “moral descriptive” problems; it has great cognitive diversity. Essay literature usually combines features of fiction and journalism.

Essay - (from the French essai “attempt, trial, sketch”, from the Latin exagium “weighing”) - a literary genre, a prose composition of small volume and free composition.

- reviews of works of art;

- political pamphlets- a type of artistic and journalistic work, usually directed against the political system as a whole or its individual aspects, against one or another social group, party, government, etc., often through the exposure of individual representatives;

Slogans are a call or appeal in a laconic form that expresses a guiding idea or demand. Slogans are used in political, religious and other areas. Slogans can exist both verbally and in writing. In written form, slogans most often appear in the form of posters. Being a capacious and memorable form of conveying ideas, slogans are often used in propaganda;

Appeals - an oral or written appeal to someone or something;

- genre of oratory.

Formal business style

This is the style of various documents (orders, resolutions, instructions) and business papers (applications, certificates, reports). The presentation of thoughts is carried out in the form of a statement; there is not, and cannot be, description, reasoning and narration.

Documented for everyone characteristic template, i.e. There is an approved design template that cannot be changed.

The accuracy of speech is expressed in the use of special terms, clericalism, i.e. words, phrases, grammatical forms and constructions, the use of which is traditionally assigned to the official business style ( it is necessary to bring to attention, raise a question, due to the lack of), clichés – ready-made phrases ( I hereby inform you, for services in the matter), dates, digital data.

The requirement for special accuracy is expressed in syntax– the use of sentences with homogeneous members that perform the function of clarification.


Decree - the type and name of a normative or individual act, usually issued by the head of state - (president or monarch) - in countries of Slavic languages;

Decree - (Latin decretum resolution from decernere - to decide) - a legal act, a resolution of an authority or official;

A law is, in a narrow sense, a normative legal act that is adopted by a representative (legislative) body of state power in a special manner, regulates certain social relations and is provided with the possibility of applying state coercive measures. In addition, in a broad sense, law means any legal act operating within a specific legal system;

- memo- a document addressed to the head of a higher organization, the head of a department or organization and setting out any issue with the conclusions and proposals of the originator;

- explanatory letter- a document compiled to explain individual provisions of the main document (project, report, plan);

Order - in administrative law, a type of management act, a strong-willed official order of a manager, given within the limits of his official powers and mandatory for execution by subordinates;

A resolution is one of the types of by-laws adopted by an executive authority;

Autobiography - (from Greek: “own biography”) - a person’s consistent description of the events of his own life;

Application - an official appeal of a citizen (several persons) to the state. body or local government body, administration of an institution, organization or official, which, unlike a complaint, is not associated with a violation of his rights and legitimate interests and does not contain a request to eliminate such a violation, but is aimed at realizing the rights and interests of the applicant or eliminating those or other shortcomings in the activities of enterprises, institutions, organizations. May be submitted both in writing and orally.

A certificate is a document of operational information. A certificate is drawn up to describe and confirm any facts and events: a certificate confirming the place of study or work, position held, salary, place of residence, medical certificate, etc.

A report is a message or document whose contents present information and reflect the essence of an issue or study in relation to a given situation. Often consists of information about an official matter sent to management or a higher-ranking official.

Instruction - (Latin instructio - instruction) 1) a normative act issued by ministries, departments and other government bodies within their competence on the basis of laws, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President and Government. 2) a set of rules for carrying out certain types of activities. I. are called upon to convey information and instructions to performers about how they should act in certain situations, including “emergency” ones;

Characteristics are an official document containing an assessment of a person’s business and personal qualities.

Art style

Serves to have an emotional impact on the thoughts and feelings of the reader or listener.

Main style features– this is imagery, emotionality, expressiveness, concreteness.

Everything in artistic speech figurative means(metaphors, comparisons, personifications, epithets, etc.) are united by a common theme and main idea.

Accuracy, specificity and clarity of the use of linguistic means when creating images - basic condition artistic speech.

Artistic speech, while fundamentally different from official business and scientific speech, in a number of ways is closer to journalistic (emotionality, use of a variety of linguistic units, the possibility of clashing different style means for certain stylistic purposes) and colloquial speech.

Artistic speech widely uses not only vocabulary and phraseology, but also the syntax of colloquial speech.

The artistic style of speech is realized in genres:

A story is a small prose work in terms of the volume of life phenomena depicted, and hence in terms of the volume of text;

A fairy tale is an epic genre of written and oral folk art: a prosaic oral story about fictional events in the folklore of different peoples;

Bylina are ancient Russian epic songs and tales, glorifying the exploits of heroes, reflecting historical events of the 11th - 16th centuries;

A riddle is a folklore genre that represents an allegorical poetic reproduction of an object or phenomenon, aimed at testing the ingenuity of the guesser;

- lyric poem- is a reproduction of the mood or personal feeling of its author. Both thematically and in its construction, it reflects a special, extremely tense state of the lyrical hero and which, due to its nature, cannot be long-lasting;

A story is a prose genre that does not have a stable volume and occupies an intermediate place between a novel, on the one hand, and a short story or short story, on the other, gravitating towards a chronicle plot that reproduces the natural course of life. In foreign literary criticism, the specifically Russian concept of “story” is correlated with a “short novel” (English: short novel or novella);

A novel is a genre of literary epic works, a type of narrative literature that has the maximum permissible size, the impressive content of the novel covers a significant period of time and describes the fate of many characters;

A fable is a poetic or prosaic literary work of a moralizing, satirical nature. At the end of the fable there is a short moralizing conclusion - the so-called morality. The characters are usually animals, plants, things. The fable ridicules the vices of people. Fable is one of the oldest literary genres;

Ode - (from Greek ode - song), a genre of lyric poetry and music; solemn, pathetic, glorifying works. As a choral song, the ode originated in antiquity (Pindar); in the 16th-18th centuries. the genre of high lyricism (for example, Voltaire, G. R. Derzhavin). From the 17th century also a vocal-instrumental piece of music written on occasion of certain events, glorifying an idea or personality; in the 19th and 20th centuries. purely instrumental odes are also created;

Epigram - Greek. epigramma, lit. - inscription), a short satirical poem, a traditional genre of classicism poetry (Voltaire), which also influenced later satirical poetry (epigrams by A.S. Pushkin). In ancient poetry - a poem of arbitrary content, written in an elegiac distic; The epigram differed from the elegy in its greater brevity and narrower subject matter.
Part 1
