What font for drawings. Drawing and drawing lessons for beginners

In many countries of the world, uniform rules for the execution and design of drawings have been adopted. These rules are formalized in the form of special technical documents - standards. In Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD) apply. They establish uniform rules for the implementation of graphic images (drawings, sketches, diagrams) and text documentation (technical specifications, specifications, explanatory notes, etc.).

Standards after a certain time are reviewed and refined. This is due to the development of industry and other branches of the national economy. Standards have their own designation. For example, GOST 2.304-81 is deciphered as follows: state standard; number 2 - standard class; 304 - number of the standard for drawing fonts; 81 - year of approval (1981).


The standard specifies ten font sizes. Behind font size a value is taken that determines the height of the uppercase (capital) letter. You will only enjoy some of them, mainly 3.5; 5; 7; 10 sizes. The height of the letters is measured perpendicular to the base of the line.

GOST establishes two types of font - uppercase and lowercase.

Capital font. Capital letter height (AND) equal to the font size. The lower elements of the letter D, C, SH and the upper element of the letter Y are performed due to the distances between the lines. Font line thickness ( d) choose equal to 0.1 L.

On fig. 1.37 shows an example of building one of the letters (H) on the auxiliary grid.

Width of most caps (q) equals 0.6 /g or 6 d, which is about the size h nearest lower font number. The exception is the letters A, D, M, X, Y, Yu, whose width is 0.7 h, the width of the letters Zh, F, SH, W, b is taken equal to 0.8 AND, and the width of the letters G, E, 3, C is 0.5 h. The spelling of capital letters is given in Fig. 1.38 for the above groups.

Lower case. The height of most lowercase letters (c) is 0.7 h, which roughly corresponds to the size ( h) of the nearest less-

our font number. For example, for font No. Yu, the height of the lowercase letter will be 7 mm, and for size No. 7 - 5 mm. The upper and lower elements of lowercase letters are performed due to the distances between the lines and go to the value 3d.

The width of most lowercase letters is 5 d. The width of the letters m, b, s, y is 6 d, letters w, t, f, w, u - ID, and letters z, s - 4 d.

On fig. 1.39 shows the spelling of lowercase letters in groups.

The acquisition of writing skills is facilitated by a certain sequence of strokes. On fig. 40 shows the sequence of writing capital letters, and in fig. 1.41 - lowercase. On fig. 1.42 shows the style of numbers and characters in the drawing font.

(GOST 2.3304-81) are used to make explanatory inscriptions on drawings.
GOST sets the following types of fonts (see table):
- type A (d = h 1/14) without inclination and with an inclination of about 75°;
- type B (d = h 1/10) without inclination and with an inclination of about 75°.

HTML table code, examples

Parameter Rel. size Type A
h - height of capital letters 14d 2,5 3,5 5,0 7,0 10,0 14,0 20,0
c - height of lowercase letters 10d 1,8 2,5 3,5 5,0 7,0 10,0 14,0
2d 0,35 0,5 0,7 1,0 1,4 2,0 2,8
22d 4,0 5,5 8,0 11,0 16,0 22,0 31,0
6d 1,1 1,5 2,1 3,0 4,2 6,0 8,4
d - font line thickness d 0,18 0,25 0,35 0,5 0,7 1,0 1,4
Parameter Rel. size Type B
h - height of capital letters 10d 1,8 2,5 3,5 5,0 7,0 10,0 14,0 20,0
c - height of lowercase letters 7d 1,3 1,8 2,5 3,5 5,0 7,0 10,0 14,0
a - spacing between letters 2d 0,35 0,5 0,7 1,0 1,4 2,0 2,8 4,0
Minimum row spacing b - auxiliary grid height 17d 3,1 4,3 6,0 8,5 12,0 17,0 24,0 34,0
e - minimum distance between words 6d 1,1 1,5 2,1 3,0 4,2 6,0 8,4 12,0
d - font line thickness d 0,18 0,25 0,35 0,5 0,7 1,0 1,4 2,0

Font size h- the height of uppercase (capital) letters and numbers, measured in millimeters. The standard specifies the following font sizes: 1.8; 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; 10; 14; 20; 28; 40.

The height of lowercase letters is determined by the ratio c = (7/10)h or if the font is given A n then its lowercase height can be taken from the font size A n-1. For example, the font size you took for any inscription is 40. This means h= 40 and then c = (7/10)h = 28.

Line thickness d is determined depending on the type and height of the font, for example:
- For font type A(narrow) d = (1/14)h;
- For font type B(wide) d = (1/10)h.

The width of the letter is determined by:
- depending on font height g = (6/10)h;
- line thickness g = 6d.

Construction of capital letters of the Russian alphabet without inclination

Construction of capital letters of the Russian alphabet without inclination on a temporary auxiliary grid with a cell size equal to the line thickness. When the size of the letters is small, the size of the cell is determined by its width and height.

Construction of lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet without inclination

Construction of lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet and digital series without inclination

Type B (d = h 1/10) with an inclination of about 75 °, made on a scale of M1: 1 No. 10, No. 7 and No. 5:

Latin alphabet

Greek alphabet

For fast and high-quality execution of inscriptions on the drawing, a special ruler can be used,

which is easy to make from thin hard cardboard by cutting out three windows in it. The left window is intended for writing in it capital letters and lowercase letters with an upper ending. Normal lowercase letters are written in the middle window. Lowercase letters with a lower ending are written in the right window. In the case of using this ruler, a minimum markup is required - these are lines of lines.

For an example of theme-dominated graphic work, see:

LESSON #4 Date:

Subject: "Drawing font. Letters, numbers, signs.

Lesson type : combined.

Lesson Objectives:

- to acquaint with the drawing font and the peculiarity of writing letters, numbers, signs;


Give an idea of ​​the most famous types of font;

Briefly introduce the elements of letters and the main parameters of the font;

Give an idea about the idea of ​​constructing the simplest standard drawing font and teach it how to write;

Cultivate accuracy, perseverance;

Equipment: drawing tools, notebook, textbook,posters.

During the classes:

I . Organization of students in the classroom.

Greeting, checking the attendance of students, checking readiness for the lesson, filling out the journal.

II . Message topics, objectives of the lesson.

III . Work on the topic of the lesson:

The evolution of writing.

The emergence of hieroglyphic writing;
The first books were made of clay, the text was written with a wooden wedge (cuneiform);

The emergence of alphabetic-sound writing, the alphabet.The invention of the alphabet (16th century BC) is a breakthrough in human culture. The place of discovery is the Sinai Peninsula, the population is the Semites.

The Slavic alphabet - Cyrillic was developed on the basis of the Greek script, supplemented by the characters Cyril and Mythodius.

In Europe, printing was invented in 15th century

In 1454, Johannes Gutenberg printed the first book of the Bible mechanically (in German, Maine)

In 1564, Ivan Fedorov and his assistant Peter Mstislavets published the first printed book in Rus', Apostle.

In the era of the birth of mechanical typography, the word "FONT" appeared.
Translated from German Font means letter, has two meanings:drawing, inscription;typographical material in the form of letters and other signs used for typesetting in print

The history of type development in every country, in every nation, in different periods is rich and varied.

In the 13th century in Europe - gothic writing

In the 15th century in the Renaissance - humanistic writing

In the 15th century in Rus' - cursive

In the 17th century -calligraphic font

Under Peter I, the difficult Slavic script was simplified, a civil script appeared

In 1708, the Printing Yard published Geometry, the first book of the civil alphabet.

Types of fonts: typographic, architectural, drawing, etc.

Headset is a set of artistic solutions that distinguish this typeface from others.

Fonts differ in: contrast, proportionality, saturation, slope.

Font classification: sequin type, block, chopped, loose.


Requirements: should be fast, easy to read and give a good imprint when duplicating drawings.

Font - this is a drawing, an outline of the letters of any alphabet, numbers and signs.

The first standard, Fonts for Inscriptions, was developed and approved in 1919.

The standard sets and defines the height and width of letters and numbers, the thickness of stroke lines, the distance between letters, words, lines.

GOST establishes drawing font numbers:1,8; 2,5; 3,5; 5; 7; 10; 14; 20; 28; 40.

There are two types of font: type A and type B,type B with an inclination of 75 °, the font size is determined by the height h in mm, distance between letters in words2 mm

between words 6 mm the height of the letters and numbers of the drawing font -3.5mm letters and numbers are written in pencilTM.

By design, uppercase and lowercase letters of the drawing font are divided into groups.

Proportions are divided into two groups: wide and narrow

wide have a width equal to the height

narrow - width equal to the height of the previous font size


Now popular computer fonts - fonts. Despite the latest technologies, in order to understand the beauty of various fonts, give them an aesthetic assessment and make a competent choice of one or another type of font, you need to know the basics of type writing and be able to do at least one type work with your own hand.

This small lesson with you today is only a small part of the introduction to the ancient culture of writing of the world civilization and an element of the general culture of man.

IV . Summing up the lesson. Homework: § 2, item 2.4.

On the drawings and diagrams, in addition to dimensional numbers, various inscriptions are applied both in the columns of the main inscription (corner stamp) and on the drawing field - inscriptions with the designation of images, as well as inscriptions related to individual elements of the depicted product or building. Lettering must be clear and legible.

GOST 2.304-81* sets fonts for inscriptions applied to drawings and technical documents of all industries and construction. Drawing fonts are characterized by the simplicity of the construction of letters, numbers and signs. For a better perception of the font design, its construction is shown on an auxiliary grid (Fig. 1 a, b), the line pitch of which depends on the thickness of the font lines. The inclination of the letters and numbers of this font to the base of the line is approximately 75°.

Fig.1. Drawing font with a slope (type B): a - uppercase letters, b - lowercase letters, c - Arabic numerals

The font size is characterized by the height h capital letters in millimeters (see table).

Table Sizes of letters and numbers of type B drawing font according to GOST 2.304-81*

Font options

convoyon the-




Dimensions, mm

Font size:

Capital letters height

Lower case height

(10/10)h 10d

(7/10)h 7d

2,5 3,5 5 7 10 14 20

1,8 2,5 3,5 5 7 10 14

Letter spacing

(2/10)h 2d

0,5 0,7 1 1,4 2 2,8 4

Minimum line spacing

(17/10)h 17

4,3 6 8,5 12 17 24 34

Minimum spacing between words

(6/10)h 6d

1,5 2,1 3 4,2 6 8,4 12

Font Line Thickness

0,25 0,35 0,5 0,7 1 1,4 2

N o t e: g- the largest width of the letter, g=6/10h

The following font sizes are set: 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; 10; 14; 20; 28; 40.
Font options depend on font size h or from the thickness of the font line d equal to 1/10h (Fig. 2, a).
Lower case height With determined from the ratio of their height (without processes h) to font size h and is c = 7/10h.
The width of most capital letters is b/10h (6d). The width of the letters A, D, M, X, Y, Yu- 7/10h(7d), and the letters Zh, F, Shch, b - 8/10d(8d).
The width of lowercase letters and Arabic numerals, except for the number 1, is 5/10h(5d). In 16 cases, the construction of lowercase letters repeats the uppercase ones.

Fig.2. The main font types and parameters in the construction of letters:
a - font with an inclination (type B), b - without an inclination (type B), c - construction of a font on an auxiliary grid, d - construction of a font with a line thickness equal to 1/14 of the height of capital letters (type A)

Rounded sections of capital letters are performed within two thicknesses (2d) of font lines.

Distance A between letters whose adjacent lines are not parallel to each other (for example, GA, AT), can be reduced by half, i.e. by the thickness d font lines. Digit 1 placed at a distance from adjacent numbers and letters, equal to 2/10h. On rice. 1c Option 3 is given.

Minimum spacing between words e, separated by a punctuation mark, is the distance between the punctuation mark and the word following it. Minimum line spacing b, or the distance between the bases of the strings, is 17/10h. Thus, the amount of space between the lines of uppercase letters must be at least the height of lowercase letters - 7/10h.

When making inscriptions, a drawing font without an inclination is also used (Fig. 2, b), which has the same dimensions and parameters as a font with an inclination.

GOST 2.304-81* establishes two more drawing fonts - with and without slope - of the same sizes, but of a different type (Fig. 2, c, d), in which the font line thickness d is 1/14h.

Execution of inscriptions.

Before proceeding with the execution of the inscription, it is necessary to study well the design of the letters and numbers of the font with which the inscription will be executed.
When making inscriptions between two parallel lines drawn at a distance that corresponds to the height of capital letters, one more line can be drawn in the middle (Fig. 3, a). In most cases, in the construction of letters, the middle horizontal sections of the lines are drawn above the middle of the height of capital letters and numbers. Inscriptions, headings can consist only of uppercase (capital) letters or of uppercase and lowercase letters (Fig. 3, b).

Fig.3. Font parameters (type B) (a) and inscription techniques (b)

When executing the inscription, they determine the place for it and set the font size. After that, if the inscription is large, i.e. the height of the letters is more than 7 mm, it is necessary:
- on the place allotted for the inscription, draw two parallel lines at a distance corresponding to the height of the letters;
- from the beginning of the inscription, mark the width of all letters, the distance between them and the gap between words on the scale ruler;
- draw parallel straight lines through the obtained breakdown points at an angle corresponding to the angle of inclination of the font;
- in the resulting quadrangles enter the corresponding letters.

The specified order of execution of inscriptions is recommended for both large and small inscriptions. In the future, when the font is well studied, when making small inscriptions, you can not build quadrangles for each letter and number, but draw a series of arbitrary strokes at an angle accepted for a given font. These strokes will help maintain the same slope of letters and numbers in the inscription. Having mastered the type perfectly, you can not apply auxiliary strokes, however, two parallel lines that set the height of the inscription must be drawn. Having studied the constructions of letters and numbers well, when making inscriptions, you can take the width of letters and numbers and the gaps between them by eye, maintaining the ratios adopted for the font used in the inscription. For some fonts, there are stencils, the use of which makes it easier to write with a pencil. If the inscription is done in ink, then it is first outlined in pencil, and then outlined in ink.

RGR No. 1(format AZ, in pencil)

1. Find the true form ∆ ABC using the right triangle method.

2. Find the maximum distance from one of the vertices ∆ DEK to the plane ∆ ABC.

3. Draw a line of intersection of ∆ ABC and ∆ DEK, assuming they are opaque.

Drawing fonts

Images in the drawings are supplemented with inscriptions made in drawing fonts in accordance with GOST 2.304-81. These fonts are distinguished by clarity, ease of execution.

Terms and Definitions

Font sizeh - the value determined by the height of uppercase (capital) letters in millimeters. Capital letters height h measured perpendicular to the base of the string. Lower case height c determined from the ratio of their height to the font size h , for example, c= 7/10h (see figure 1):

Picture 1

Letter width g – the largest letter width (see Figure 1), is determined in relation to the font size h, for example, g = 6/10h, or in relation to the thickness of the font lines d , For example, g = b d .

Font Line Thickness d – thickness, determined depending on the type and height of the font.

Font types and sizes

Letters are used in uppercase and lowercase. The standard establishes four font types:

A - with an inclination of about 75° (d=1/14h), Figure 2;

A - without slope (d=1/14h), Figure 3;

B - with a slope of about 75° (d=1/10h);

B - without slope (d=1/10h).

Figure 2 - Font with a slope

Figure 3 - Font without slant

Writing type B fonts with and without italics is similar to type A fonts, and the difference in parameters is shown in Table 1.

The following font sizes are set: (1.8); 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; 10; 14; 20; 28; 40. ( Font size 1.8 is not recommended and is only allowed for type B).

Table 1

Font Line Thickness d varies depending on the height of the capital letters 1/14h or 1/10h.

Font parameters are shown in Table 1.

Building a font by auxiliary grid(a grid formed by auxiliary lines into which letters fit) is shown in Figure 4. The pitch of the auxiliary grid lines is determined by the thickness of the font line d .

Auxiliary grid of auxiliary lines

Figure 4 - Construction of the font on the auxiliary grid

Since the definition of the value g in relation to the font size, it is preferable; the definition of the width of capital letters is based on it (table 2).

table 2

The font size corresponds to the height of the capital letters in mm.

The height of lowercase letters is determined from the ratio of their height to the font size 10/14h or 7/10h - depending on the font type.

The study of the writing of letters in a drawing font should be carried out not in alphabetical order, but by dividing them into groups according to the uniformity of writing. It should be based on the principle of placing constituent letters relative to the generators of the grid into which a letter or number fits (Figure 4).

The first group - letters formed by parallel, rectangular elements: G; E, N, P, T. Sh, Shch. Branches of letters C, W are performed due to the distances a and b, the middle horizontal element of the letters E, H held at a height of 8/14h or 6/10h, i.e. above the middle of the letter,

The second group is letters, the rectilinear elements of which are arranged obliquely or diagonally: A, I, Y, K, M, X, F.

The third group - letters formed by horizontal, vertical, oblique and curvilinear elements: B, C, D, L, R, U, H, b, S, b, I.

Middle element of letters B, C, b, s, b held at a height of 8/14h or 6/10h, depending on the font type. The inclined element of the letter I is located along the diagonal of the parallelogram

The fourth group - letters formed by curvilinear elements: O, S, 3, F, E, Yu. Middle element of a letter YU And E held at altitude 8/I4h or at altitude 6/10h.

Upper and lower horizontal letter element F located at different distances from the upper and lower sides of the dimensional cell: from below by 2/10h or 3/14h - depending on the type of font. Outline of the upper half of the letter W almost touches the left side of the dimensional cell, you need to consider that the letter Z is part of the font 8 , therefore it is recommended to perform it as part of the number 8, performing only the right half of the sign, extending the upper and lower parts of the sign towards the unfinished part by 2/14h or 1/10h. The number 4 has a horizontal element drawn at a height of 4/14h - a font like A and 3/10h- font type B.

The distance between letters whose adjacent lines are not parallel to each other (GA, AT, SL, TA) can be reduced by half, i.e. by the value d.

Type A and B fonts with and without slant are widely used. This applies to the "signs" of the Latin and Greek alphabet, the rules for writing fractions, indicators, indices and maximum deviations. Fractions, indicators, indices, limit deviations are performed in a font size one degree less than the font size of the main value (type A), or one size with the font size of the main value type B).


Font type A (d= h/14)

Type B font (d=h/10)



Dimensions, mm



Dimensions, mm

Font sizes:

capital letter height

lower case height

Letter spacing

Maximum row spacing (auxiliary grid height)

Letter width g in relation to font size h

Tasks for the GGR No. 1
