The suffix comes after the root and serves. The culture of writing


The word consists of significant parts - morphemes. A morpheme is an indivisible and regularly reproduced unit of the grammatical structure of a word, correlated with the corresponding element of its lexical and grammatical meaning.

There are four types of morphemes in Russian. The main one is the root, expressing the general lexical meaning of a number of words, which are called related (or cognate). In related words, the root can change (then it is called variant, or alternating, and the correct choice of variant is determined by spelling rules):

die - die - die - pestilence

It should be remembered that in one word there can be several roots: land e shaking enie, steam O move,forest opo shaft

Some roots in the "free" form (root + ending) do not occur. They are found in words only in combination with prefixes, suffixes or other roots:

borrow - hire - rent - take over
chick - birdie a - birds a - birdhouse

A significant part of the word is a prefix - a morpheme that comes before the root and usually serves to form new words.

city ​​- near city
husband for husband
good - kind
to keep - to keep

A significant part of the word is the suffix - a morpheme that comes after the root and also usually serves to form new words. The suffix, joining the stem of the word, like the prefix, changes the lexical meaning of the word:

raspberry - raspberry ("a place where raspberries grow")
gray - grayish ("a little, slightly gray")
table - table th ("related to the table")
stupid - stupidity ("stupid act, stupid words")

Sometimes the suffix is ​​after the end and in scientific use it is called postfix. It enters the basis of the word if it forms a new word. In this case, we are dealing with the so-called "broken" basis.

view - view
some - some

Connecting vowel (o, e)- a morpheme that serves to form new words by way of addition. It stands between the roots of a compound word and is included in the basis of the word.

forest steppe
old russian
a pedestrian

The ending is a variable (significant) part of a word that serves to connect words and expresses the meanings of gender, number, case, person. The ending is not included in the stem of the word. With the help of the ending, not new words are formed, but different forms of the same word, that is, the lexical meaning of the word does not change.

cities (pl., im. ind.) - city (sing., tv. ind.) - cities (pl., tv. ind.)
write (pl., present time, 2 lit.) – write (singular, present present, 3 lit.) – write (sing., present present, 1 lit.)

Particular attention when parsing words by composition is required null ending words, which is not expressed by sound and is not indicated by a letter in writing.

Zero endings are found in the forms of the following parts of speech:


1) 1st fold, genus. fall, pl. h.
(birches, clouds)
2) 1st fold, vin. fall, pl. h., female R.,
(animate girls, sisters)
3) 2nd fold, im-vin. fall, unit h, husband. R.,
(inanimate house, dispensary)
4) 2nd fold, genus. fall, pl. h.
(boot, poems)

5) 3rd fold, im-vin. fall, unit h.
(duel, mouse)
6) genus. fall, pl. h., noun. on -mya
(times, names)


1) short. masculine form
(smart, weak)
2) im-vin. fall, unit h., masculine possessive adjectives
(jackal, bird, father, son-in-law)


1) im-vin. pad. some cardinal numbers
(forty twenty six)

1) husband genus, unit h., last time
(read, washed)
2) 2nd person singular h., command. mood
(write, stop)

1) short form of the masculine gender
(distributed, washed)

– The prefix is ​​indicated by the icon. Underline the prefix in these words.

What are the prefixes in these words: the same or different? ( These words have different prefixes..)

What changes in a word with a change in the prefix? ( With a change in the prefix, the meaning (meaning) of the word changes.)

- Changing the meaning of a word leads to the formation of a new word. If the prefix changes the meaning of the word, then what does it serve? ( The prefix is ​​used to form new words.)

Now tell me everything you know about the prefix.

A prefix is ​​a part of a word that comes before the root and serves to form new words. The prefix is ​​indicated by the icon.

2. Work on exercise 145.

The words are written on the board.

Do, do, make.

Write, write, write.

Run, run, run.

Took, took, took.

- Look carefully at the words that I will show. If I show a word that has a prefix, you turn to face each other and exchange claps. If I show a word that does not have a prefix, you will sit down.

3. Acquaintance with the suffix.

What can you call a small raspberry? ( Malinka.)

What is the name of the piece of land where raspberries grow? ( Malinnik.)

The teacher is on the board, and the children write down the words in notebooks:

raspberry - raspberry

- Identify parts of the words you know.

- What part in the first and second words did you not highlight? ( We did not select the part that comes after the root.)

The part of a word that comes after the root is called a suffix. The suffix is ​​indicated by the ^ sign.

- Highlight the suffixes in the words.

- There are a lot of suffixes, as well as prefixes, in Russian: -nick, -chik, -schik, -onok, -ov, -ev-, -n, -nn etc.

- Say everything you know about the suffix.

A suffix is ​​the part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words. The suffix is ​​indicated by the ^ sign.

4. Work on exercise 147.

5. Parsing words by composition.

The words are written on the board: cup, mouse, squirrel, winter, run, wing, flight.

- Write down the words. Sort them by composition.

V. Summary of the lesson.

How are related words formed?

- What is an attachment?

- What is a suffix?

Homework. The rule on p. 66–67, exercise 149.

Lesson 46
and prefixes as meaningful parts of a word

Target: develop the ability to parse words by composition and form new words with the help of prefixes and suffixes.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

How did you parse the words? fish, slide, grass by composition?

- What is an attachment?

- What is a suffix?

III. A moment of cleansing.

The words are written on the board: sleep, poppy, honey.

- Determine the letter that we will write at the calligraphy minute. It denotes an unpaired voiced soft consonant sound. What letter is this? What root is it in? ( We will write a letter m. In a word honey it denotes an unpaired voiced soft consonant [m '].)

mb mv mg md...

- Determine the order of the letters in this row and continue the line to the end. ( Lowercase m alternates with letters denoting voiced paired consonants.)

IV. Parsing words by composition.

The words are written on the board: aspen, preparation, entrance, gait, fish, birch, willow.

The order of parsing words by composition:

1. Find an ending. To do this, change the word by numbers or questions. The ending is the part that has changed.

2. Find the root. To do this, pick up related words and find their common part.

3. Find a prefix. She stands before the root.

4. Find a suffix. It comes after the root.

Morphemics- This is a section of the Russian language that studies the structure of the word.

Words are made up of meaningful parts called morphemes: prefixes, roots, suffixes, and endings.

Ending- this is a changeable part of the word, which serves to link words in a sentence and phrase.

The ending can be zero, that is, not expressed by sounds (doctor, house); it is found by comparing the forms of the word.

The part of the modified word without an ending is called the stem of the word.

Distinguish between words with zero endings and invariable words in which only the stem stands out (saying, tomorrow, longer).

Root- the main significant part of the word, which contains the common meaning of all words with the same root.

Words that have the same root are called single-root (water, underwater, water, backwater, watery, submariner).

There are words that have the same root, but different lexical meanings (mountain, mountain, burn, tan, burn out), they are not the same root.

Console- this is a significant part of the word that stands before the root and serves to form new words (water, underwater).

In addition to the original Russian prefixes (o-, ot-, under-, over-, re-), there are also foreign ones (counter-, sub-, ad-, in-, con-, ob-).

Suffix- this is a significant part of the word that comes after the root and serves to form new words (subtlety, thin; chasing, driving; watery, watery).

Postfix- this is the part of the word that stands after the end; in Russian there are 2 of them: -s and -sya.

A special place in the Russian language is occupied by the morpheme -t (ty), which some linguists distinguish as a suffix (not included in the basis of the word), others as an ending.


1. Indicate the rows in which all words have an ending.

    a) hare, sun, horseback (jump)
    b) white, touches, approached
    c) saw, on the right, the second
    d) imprisoned, (about) moving, twice

2. Indicate the rows in which all words have a zero ending.

    a) vegetable, cloak, speech
    b) Rostov, forward, wide open
    c) story, midnight, vish
    d) whip, (c) shoulders, jump

3. Indicate in which rows all words consist of a prefix, a root, one suffix and an ending.

    a) defeat, bully, wound up
    b) extinguished, initiative, cavalry
    c) covered, stopped, unloaded
    d) touch, tribal, conspirator

4. Indicate in which rows all words have several suffixes.

    a) hit, disease, intermarry
    b) fringe, startle, research
    c) capitulation, lottery, official
    d) behavior, dispersed, crumpled

5. Indicate in which rows all words have 2 prefixes.

    a) aloof, unrestrained, ungifted
    b) hearsay, insensitive, taciturn
    c) little by little, unrestrained, alien
    d) doubly, unopened, interesting

6. Indicate which of these words is not one-root.

    a) burnt
    b) burn
    c) mountain
    d) carbon monoxide (gas)

7. Indicate the mistakes made in the morphemic parsing of words.

    a) plan-ir-ov-a-t
    b) saucepan
    c) magnetism
    d) from-tir-a-t

8. Indicate the words whose morphemic composition corresponds to the scheme: "root + ending".

    a) breed
    b) creepy
    c) care
    d) castor oil

9. Indicate the words in which the stem is equal to the root.

    a) tomato
    b) archaism
    c) analysis
    d) barometer

Keys to tests

Replace the expression with one word.

Small mushroom-________________________________________________________________

Someone who likes to pick mushrooms

Part of the fungus underground-_____________________________________________

Change according to the pattern.

Big Small

board board

Goat ________________

Arrow _________________

Wall _________________

Sort by composition.

Birch, birch, birch, birch, birch.

Aspen, aspen, aspen, aspen.

Among the letters in random order, find the words and underline them.


Dividing sign.

A separating solid sign is written after prefixes that end in a consonant, before the letters e, e, u, i.

1. Circle the prefixes next to which Kommersant can “settle”.


2. Underline the words with a separating hard sign.

We also need a solid sign

We can't say without it.

congress, edible, explanation,

And the entrance, and the announcement.

Divide the words into two columns by inserting letters.

Sh ... oh, n ... oh, announcement ... phenomenon, sparrow ... and, with ... capacitance, night ... th, once ... driving, under ... eating.

Separator ь sign Separator ъ sign

_____________________ ________________________

______________________ ________________________

______________________ _________________________

_______________________ _________________________

4.Find the mistake and fix it.

He drove in, blizzard, ran in, drinks, ate, garter.

Always underline the lowercase (small) letter.

b, c, b, i, o.

Noun. Animate and inanimate nouns.

A noun is a part of speech that refers to objects and answers the questions who? What?. Nouns that answer the question who? are called animate. Nouns that answer the question what? are called inanimate nouns.

Write a word for the object.

Red-haired sly ______________________________

Oblique cowardly _____________________

Gray prickly ____________________________

Little fast _________________________

Write the words on the correct line.

Brother, sun, berry, hare, girl, tongue, cat, book, sister, window.

Animated nouns _________________________________________________

Inanimate nouns _______________________________________________

3.For expressions, select words that are suitable in meaning, connect them with a line.

At school I'm a shopper

I'm a pedestrian in the store

On the street I'm a student

I am a passenger in transport

4. Cross out the "extra" word.

Bush, tree, flower, beautiful, rose.

Sofa, chair, soft, table.

5.* What words does the crow like? For example: carnival

CAR___________ CAR___________ CAR______

Proper and common nouns.

Names, patronymics, surnames of people, nicknames of animals, names of cities, villages, streets - these are proper names. Proper names are written with a capital (capital) letter.

Circle your own names.

Cow, dog, Polkan, goat, Zina, Askar, river, Ivanov, Balkhash.

Complete the sentences with.

My name is_____________________________________________________

My last name____________________________________________________

My mother's name is_________________________________________________

My brother's (sister's) name is _________________________

My teacher's name is ___________________________________________
